Thursday, February 17, 2011

1 year

Its been 1 year since my family and I joined a church.  I've always been a believer..For a while I had the wrong attitude though.  I always told myself that just because I didn't go to church didn't mean that I didn't believe.  That was an excuse to not go..To busy, to much on my plate.  I could not even give God an hour and half of my time. My next thought was that I was a good person so I was a sure to get into heaven.  Wrong..that isn't my descison to make.  I have to admit I have a lot to learn.  I got very lucky and have found the perfect church for my family and I on the first try! I love the kids program and I love the message every week.

Its funny to because it seems like every week when I hear the message from our Awesome Pastor Louie.  Its always exactly what I need to hear.  I know I am still very rough around the edges but I am trying and praying daily for Strength.  Putting your faith into someone that we don't quite know, or have to learn about is the ultimate challenge.

I am proud we made it a year this far and happy to have found a great church for us.